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U-Report chatbot supports children and young people fleeing Ukraine

Since the war in Ukraine started, UNICEF estimates that 4.5 million children have been externally and internally displaced in search for safety and peace. To provide support to children and young people on the move, the Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) region has activated an interactive chatbot to provide relevant information to Ukrainian refugees in their journeys to neighboring countries. ​​​​​​​By navigating the U-Report chatbot, young people and parents will learn safety recommendations, requirements and conditions of entry to host countries, their rights, and humanitarian assistance available for them in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia. The chatbot is currently available in Ukrainian, and it can be activated by sending the trigger word “Украiна” (“Ukraine,” in English) on U-Report messaging channels, including Telegram, WhatsApp, and Viber.

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